A virtual supplier matchmaking event for Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado manufacturers

Join us for a unique opportunity to connect with key stakeholders, discover new business opportunities, and expand your network within the federal government sector.

This event is designed to facilitate one-on-one meetings between suppliers, manufacturers, and procurement officers from the Department of Defense, other governmental agencies, and prime contractor OEMs, aiming to enhance collaboration and integration across the defense supply chain.


 September 10, 2024

10:00am - 3:00pm CT

Who Should Attend

The ideal attendees are:

  • Representatives from small and mid-sized manufacturers who currently sell into the defense industrial base but would like to explore additional sales opportunities

  • Representatives from small and mid-sized manufacturers who would like to expand their sales channels into the defense industrial base

  • Manufacturers who want to be matched with small and mid-sized manufacturers for support with supply chain needs


Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the U.S. Department of Defense prioritized the modernization of factories to increase the global competitiveness of American manufacturing. "Buy American" legislation refers to a set of laws, policies, and regulations that encourage or require federal government agencies and entities receiving federal funding to purchase American-made products and materials. The goal is to promote domestic manufacturing, support local jobs, and strengthen the national economy.

This event provides an opportunity for manufacturers (sellers) in the Midwest to meet with government primes/OEMS (prospective buyers).

Opening & Welcome 10:00 am10:00am

Contracting Considerations for DoD Suppliers


  • Coming Soon

Break 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Virtual networking / Matchmaking meetings* 1:00 pm

*To be eligible to participate in virtual matchmaking sessions, you will be sent a link to create a matchmaking profile once you register for the event. You will be notified of your matchmaking sessions no later than Monday, September 2, 2024.

Please note matchmaking sessions are not guaranteed – matches will be facilitated based on the company information you provide in your matchmaking profile and the needs of participating primes and government buyers.

All virtual matchmaking sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams in a web browser. The Microsoft Teams app is not required.

Once you register to attend the event, you will be asked to create a profile on the govmates platform. Your manufacturing capabilities and products can be included in your profile and will be utilized to match your products with the needs expressed by the prospective buyers to create your 1:1 matchmaking appointments.

All attendees will be able to participate in a valuable virtual networking session that will provide insight into matchmaking appointment strategies, additional doing business with the federal government information, and peer manufacturer connections.






a) Cosponsorship Authorization # 24-34-C. SBA’s participation in this Cosponsored Activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any Cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

b) Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact: Michael Aumack, U.S. Small Business Administration, (316) 269- 6275, Michael.Aumack@sba.gov

c) This Web site is provided as a public service under Cosponsorship Authorization # 24-34-C. It is not an official U.S. government website and may contain links to non-U.S. government information. Inclusion of such links does not constitute or imply an endorsement by SBA. SBA is not responsible for the content, accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of linked information. Please use caution when considering a product, service or opinion offered by a linked website.